Sunday, December 29, 2019

Context And Problem / Opportunity - 2092 Words

I. Context and Problem/Opportunity (~100 words) Youngcare as an NGO (non-government organization) needs volunteers and monetary donations to help some young Aussies for avoiding acknowledgment to aged care currently (Youngcare, 2016). However, the CEO of Volunteering Australia mentioned that government decides decrease the budgets on volunteers program for next four years (Williams et al., 2016). Meanwhile, Australian government plans to cut about $800M in supporting charity medical services (Trio, Trio, Goodman, Baxter, 2016). Although, Youngcare has a few volunteers and some monetary donations, this realistic situation and related policies are in harmful to its development. Thus, there are some marketing strategies to get more†¦show more content†¦That is an opportunity to build and develop Youngcare. Youngcare needs government financial support and has a strong work connection with them. For example, Youngcare offers medical data to the government to promote the reform of medical equipment prices, and produced a repor t about the legal production with disabilities (Youngcare, 2016). However, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) had mentioned that the universal economy development is tough deceleration with high risks influenced on people (Hodges, 2013). Meanwhile, the latest data of Australian Senate shows they will decide to cut the health charity funds totally $197.1M in the next four years (Moore, Wellington, McHale, 2015). That is adverse for non-profit charities. Because these non-profits charities are necessary to an accomplishment of the community and healthy consequence. Thus, the budget cuts will directly influence people attempting overcome some challenges and issues when they face the communities and home (Trio, Trio, Goodman, Baxter, 2016). Furthermore, there is a high competition in charity industry. The charity industry is as a huge pie makes people complete sharing this pie to get more organization income, such as sponsors and clientele (Ruperto Kerr, 2009). As Barman (2002) sa id, the competing resources of charities are increasing which definitely increases the

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